Happy New Year, everyone! Or, as we say in Scottish Gaelic, Bliadhna Mhath Ur! Here we are, January 2012, a brand new year, a new spring & summer all stretched out in front of us & memories to make! Of course it's sad when we say goodbye to the Christmas decorations for another year but today, here on Skye, with blues skies, blue lochs & washing blowing in the light breeze at the crofts on the hill, you could be forgiven for believing a taste of spring was indeed on offer!
Here at Homewardflight we're also thinking of the new year stretched out ahead of us after a wonderful & magical Hogmanay & the first blog of the year brings exciting news! We have some items exclusive to our CDHM Gallery which are available to purchase there and only there! We'll be adding to the range so watch out for more additions but to begin with we're chomping at the bit to show you this Fine Cheeseboard & looking ahead to the 14th of February, these scrumptious Valentines Cookies! We've been particularly entranced by the juicy looking grapes on the cheeseboard and how much they resemble the real thing! Were they not 1:12th scale you might easily think they were good enough to eat!
With so much more to come.....
Val & Sadie

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