Wednesday 21 March 2012

Spring Has Sprung!

Here we are then. Winter is now officially behind us & no looking back as we hurtle into Spring! The first daisy appeared in the garden today and the world is being blanketed in a carpet of green again! It's like someone's taken their paintbrush out &, taking a tired old season, is painting a new one before our very eyes! Even the waterfall cascading down to the loch looks as if it's washing away the last of Winter to herald the arrival of all the wonderful joys that abound in Springtime!

Spring is, of course, a time of renewal & a time for bright colours! This juicy fruitbox now for sale in our CDHM Gallery is the epitome of the new season & it's a perfect way to welcome in the lighter nights and warmer days! There's also a picture of something chocolatey that's recently found a new home that we just wanted to share with you!

Don't forget that there's still a few days left to get 40% off ALL items in our Etsy store - just enter Coupon Code SPRING40 at checkout!

Val & Sadie

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