
Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Interview With Sadie In AIM iMag!

We are thrilled to be featuring in the new issue of the brilliant AIM (Artisans In Miniature) iMag which & includes an interview with Sadie along with lots of photographs! Homewardflight also appears in the AIM 5th birthday article too! Thank you to Sally, Bea & the rest of the editorial team for all their hard work! Click on the photograph below to go to the magazine!

Val & Sadie


  1. Congratulations!
    Well..was obvious that one day your fantastic work could be in a wonderful magazine,
    have a nice day!
    Sophie ^-^

  2. The AIM imag really is quite special, Sophie. We always think the layout is quite amazing. Did you see Kat's page in The Dolls House Magazine in October? She was especially kind to Homewardflight!

    Val & Sadie :-)
