
Sunday, 11 September 2011

Magic of the Season!

With the dark nights looming it's easy to become caught up in the sadness of Summer ending and the cold days dawning but there is so much to enjoy as we begin to slide through the door blown open by the Fall winds into a magical time of year. Nature gives us so much to enjoy just now and we have reached the point where we are starting to see migrating birds pass through our Islands as they fly to their wintering grounds, but there is also much sparkle to be found in all the festivals we have during Fall. It is a time rich with celebration and color. There's the Harvest Festivals, Halloween, Thanksgiving & here in the UK, Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night when the skies will be alive with color as fireworks and bonfires are lit in commemoration of the foiling of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot, all joyous occasions full of light, celebration and smells of the season!

Magic is a theme brought into this latest miniature - a Halloween Witching Hour Feast just waiting to cast a spell over the dolls house! We love bringing everyone photographs of new minis and can't wait to see what other miniature magic this Fall is going to bring!

Val & Sadie


  1. I think Halloween is great fun! I loved this miniature.

  2. Oh, I love Halloween too! The excitement & the wonderful colors!

    Hugs back!
